
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mafia II - Inside Joe's Apartment

Game - Mafia 2
Publisher - 2K Games
Developer - 2K Czech
Engine - The Illusion
Platform - PC, 360 PS3
Release Date - 24 August 2010

As with every city, Empire Bay changes as the years pass. Changes also happen for individual characters in the game as they gain more money, or their tastes change. This post from Mafia II Community will go inside Joe's apartment and look at how his home takes shape throughout the game.

Joe's Flat: 1940s

This first shot is of Joe's flat at the beginning of our story. The war in Europe is coming to an end. The 40's in USA was an oppressive time and this is reflected in the colors of home decorations and furniture used by the art team. In this screenshot you can see how the team paid close attention to the smallest details; the team prides themselves on creating historically accurate and believable spaces. This includes making scenes look like they are actually lived in and used. Also, if you look carefully you'll notice a bra on the bed behind Joe - you can tell that he still manages to lighten up his home in his own unique way, despite the times.

Joe's Flat: Early 1950s

As we entered the 50's everything started to get a little more interesting. People start to express themselves and with the rationing long gone people had a means to do this. Obviously Joe has done well himself, which has allowed him to purchase some expensive and modern pieces of equipment for his apartment � his TV and expensive rug are good examples. Again, the details in this image tell their own story: you can see the money, guns, and beers on the table, a baseball bat against the fire place, a ladies purse over by the bed... There is so much to learn about Joe in this one small scene.

Joe's Flat: Later 1950s

By this stage in the game you can see Joe is the real deal. He's a made man and he has the money to realize his dreams. This is shown by the possessions he owns and how his has chosen to decorate his flat. Unfortunately this only underlines his quite "eccentric" taste for fashion as you can clearly see.

Mafia II - A Tale Of Two Cars

Game - Mafia II
Publisher - 2K Games
Developer - 2K Czech
Engine - The Illusion
Platform - PC, 360 PS3
Release Date - 24 August 2010

Quicksilver Windsor Taxi

Potomac 1950

Mafia II - Joe And Vito

Game - Mafia II
Publisher - 2K Games
Developer - 2K Czech
Engine - The Illusion
Platform - PC, 360 PS3
Release Date - 24 August 2010

Mafia II - Concept Art

Game - Mafia II
Publisher - 2K Games
Developer - 2K Czech
Engine - The Illusion
Platform - PC, 360 PS3
Release Date - 24 August 2010

Prince Of Persia : The Forgotten Sands - Chronicles Of The Prince : Water

Game - Prince Of Persia : The Forgotten Sands
Publisher - Ubisoft
Developer - Ubisoft Montreal
Engine - Anvil
Platform - PC, 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS
Release Date - PC : June 2010
360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS : 18 May 2010

Chronicles Of The Prince - Water

From Community Developer of Prince Of Persia : The Forgotten Sands, Gabe :

"As you have probably noticed from the screenshots we’ve released, water is an incredibly important part of The Forgotten Sands… even more important than it was in Sands of Time, actually.

In Sands of Time, you used water to replenish your health at fountains or pools scattered around the environment. In The Forgotten Sands, water has actual gameplay applications as well as demonstrating how ostentatious Malik’s palace is. The water that flows from the myriad fountains and aqueducts in Malik’s palace indicate that he is a total show off… and this prodigious use of H2O has made him the target of nearby enemies.

As you have surely seen in our Gameplay First Look, water is also something the Prince can use to navigate through his environment. Slowing time shifts water into a solid state (like ice, but not actually cold), enabling the Prince to use large waterfalls as walls and fountains as columns."

Prince Of Persia : The Forgotten Sands - David Mryam Sand Drawing

Game - Prince Of Persia : The Forgotten Sands
Publisher - Ubisoft
Developer - Ubisoft Montreal
Engine - Anvil
Platform - PC, 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS
Release Date - PC : June 2010
360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS : 18 May 2010

Persembahan sand drawing oleh David Mryam dalam tempoh 5 minit untuk promosi permainan video Ubisoft terbaru, Prince Of Persia : The Forgotten Sands di Paris


Alpha Protocol - The Dialogue Stance System (DSS) Feature

Game - Alpha Protocol
Publisher - SEGA
Developer - Obsidian Entertainment
Engine - Unreal 3
Platform - PC, 360, PS3
Release Date - 01 June 2010

Alpha Protocol menampilkan real time conversation di mana pemain mempunyai masa yang terhad untuk memberi reaksi atau membuat keputusan daripada sesuatu perbualan berpandukan time meter yang dipaparkan di atas dialog option.

Sistem dialog dalam Alpha Protocol menggunakan stance system membolehkan pemain memilih 3 personaliti yang mewakili dialog option yang disediakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan seseorang NPC. 3 sikap tersebut adalah berdasarkan personaliti 3 J.B, iaitu Jason Bourne (Bourne Identity) mewakili PROFESSIONAL, James Bond mewakili SUAVE dan Jack Bauer (24) mewakili AGRESSIVE

Dialog option ke-4 turut disediakan kadang kala membenarkan pemain menamatkan perbualan segera.

Setiap NPC memberi reaksi balas yang berbeza-beza daripada setiap dialog dan tindakan oleh pemain.

Alpha Protocol - The Dialogue Stance System (DSS)

Game - Alpha Protocol
Publisher - SEGA
Developer - Obsidian Entertainment
Engine - Unreal 3
Platform - PC, 360, PS3
Release - 01 June 2010

- (PlayJamUK)

Lost Planet 2 - Lady Pirates

Game - Lost Planet 2
Publisher - Capcom
Developer - Capcom
Engine - MT Framework 2.0
Platform - PC, 360, PS3
Release Date - 11 May 2010