
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Definasi 3D Features Nvidia GPU

Ambient Occlusion
  • Add realism to scenes by reducing the intensity of ambient light of surfaces blocked by surrounding objects. It enhances depth perception by providing a soft shadow effect for objects based on their placement in the scene. Will increase realism in games, though may experience a decrease in performance
Anisotropic Filtering
  • Affects the crispness of textures. At higher settings, the image will be less blurred, however, may experience a decrease in performance. If the application has its own AF controls, it is recommended to use the application controlled setting.
  • The technique used to minimize the jagged or "stair step" effect sometimes seen along the edges of 3D objects. Higher value provide a smoother image with less jaggies around the edges of an image, but may experience a decrease in performance. If the application has its own AA controls, it is recommended to use the application controlled setting
  • Allows to determine how antialiasing is applied in 3D applications. Enhancing the application setting can provide higher quality and greater reliability for applications with built-in AA support. Use Override if the application does not have built-in AA settings or if the application does not support AA when HDR rendering is enabled.
  • Minimize the visible aliasing on the edges of images with transparent textures. Multisampling provides superior performance, while Supersampling provides superior quality.
Antialiasing-Gamma Correction
  • To improve the quality and color of 3D images
Texture Filtering
  • Allows to simply decide rather prefer for performance, quality, or a balance between the two.